
Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Importance of Critical Thinking in Nursing Education

In nursing education and the nursing profession, critical thinking skills are very important. Responsibilities of a Registered Nurse have increased over the years . In correlation with this increase in responsibility comes an additional increase in educational prerequisites and core requirements necessary to achieve a degree in Nursing . ANA ( American Nursing Association ) Standards has established the necessary framework for critical thinking in the application of the " nursing process ".

Nursing process is the means by which all nurses can equally become proficient in critical thinking . The nursing process contains the following criteria :
1. Assessment
2. Diagnosis
3. Planning
4. Implementation
5. Evaluation

In this case, the application of each of these processes that nurses can become proficient in critical thinking. It is important to look at the components that describe critical thinking in nursing.

Components in Critical Thinking

Require objective, information, results focused thinking, which requires a careful identification of specific problems and other physiological and psychological factors that influence the position of the client in the continuum of health and well-being.

This process is driven by the client, the client's family and other health team members are also collaborating in ensuring essential client care.

Special education knowledge base and level of experience in applying that knowledge in client care. ( School of Nursing graduate nurses experienced nurse ) As the level of experience of the nurse increases so that basic scientific knowledge that nurses apply.

Proficiency in the application of agency standards, policies and procedures. Standard application of humanistic care in conjunction with the nursing process, to holistically treat the client's response to actual or perceived illness.

Constant evaluation and re-evaluation of the nursing process to determine the level of client health.

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