
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Nursing Care Plan for Migraine

Migraine is a complex of symptoms that have characteristics at the time of a severe headache attacks repeatedly.

Obvious cause of migraines is unknown, but it may lead to a primary vascular disorder that usually occurs in women, and many have a strong tendency in the family. Migraines are also caused by the occurrence of a combination of vasodilation (widening of blood vessels) and the release of a chemical substance from nerve fibers that surrounds the blood vessels. When a migraine attack, the temporal artery (the artery that runs around the temple) will be widened. The widening will cause stretching of the nerve fibers around arteries thus stimulating these nerve fibers to release chemicals. This substance will cause inflammation, headaches and feeling incredible.

Signs and symptoms of migraine on the result of cerebral cortical ischemia varying degrees. Typical attack starts with a scalp artery vasoconstriction and retinal blood vessels and cerebral. Extracranial and intracranial blood vessels dilated, which causes pain and discomfort. Studies suggest that arterial dilatation, causing hyperpermeable, and that sterilize local inflammation, which causes pain in surrounding areas and arterial dilatation. The state aims to enable existing substances in the blood vessels that participated in cleaning the inflammatory reaction.

Migraine attacks in general will activate the sympathetic nerves. The meaning of the sympathetic nerve is the nerve that is part of the human nervous system is responsible for controlling the body's response to stress and pain. Increased sympathetic nervous activity in the intestine causes nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Sympathetic activity will also lead to slow gastric emptying resulting in drug delivery to the small intestine to be absorbed will also be hampered. Barriers to drug absorption that is the problem for people with migraine when administered orally administered drug. Increased sympathetic activity also decreases the flow of blood so that the skin will appear pale and cold. Increased neural activity will also lead to increased sensitivity to light and sound.

Migraine is a chronic condition. Most of the migraine attacks are also accompanied with another headache. Migraine headache is often described as a severe headache, throbbing and attacking head on one side. Some pain is felt in the forehead, around the eyes and behind the head so obscure symptoms with another headache. Although most of the migraine attack on one side of the head, but often also found symptoms of migraine headaches on both sides of the head. Side of the head migraines too often turns on every time attack. Be careful when the affected side of the head is always the same, another possibility is the occurrence of a brain tumor. Patients with migraine often tormented in performing daily activities, especially when the attack occurred. Other accompanying symptoms of migraine include, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, facial pallor, cold hands feet, and the patient will be sensitive to light and sound. Due to an increased sensitivity to light and sound then migraine sufferers had to lie in a quiet and dark room. Migraine attacks usually subside within 4 to 72 hours.

Nearly 70% had a family history of migraine. Most of the women. The first attack in the migraine usually starts during adolescence and young adulthood, and then tended to decrease at the age of 5 and 6 decades. Usually there is a triggering factor. Patients generally have a perfectionist personality, rigid, and impulsive.

The clinical features of migraine is usually a throbbing headache but unilateral and bilateral or switched sides. Migraine attacks typically 2-8 times per month, once the attack duration between 4-24 hours or may take longer, moderate-severe pain intensity, accompanying symptoms, among others,: nausea, vomiting, photophobia and / or phonophobia, pale face, vertigo , tinnitus, irritable.

Nursing Diagnosis for Migraine

1. Acute pain related to stress and tension, increased intracranial
characterized by: said pain, pale around the face, restless.

2. Imbalance nutrition less than body requirements related to inability of the input, digest, absorb, food, due to biological factors and psychological
characterized by : nausea, vomiting, weight loss, anorexia.

3. Disturbed Sleep Pattern related to headache
Characterized by: insomnia, face pale, limp.

4. Deficient Knowledge related to lack of exposure to information
characterized by: the improper conduct and excessive.

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