
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Principles of Nursing Home Care

Home care services in order to run smoothly, it is worth noting some of the principles in the service of home care.

Home health care nursing services are provided to patients in the home, which is a synthesis of community nursing services and specific technical skills that come from a particular medical specialty, the individual-focused nursing care to involve the family, with the aim of curing, maintain and improve health physical, mental / emotional patient.

Principles of Home Care, include:

  1. Management carried out by the home care nurse.
  2. Implementing Home Care is comprised of the existing health professions (doctors, midwives, nurses, dietitians, pharmacists, sanitarian and other professional personnel).
  3. Apply the concept as a basis in the decision-making practices.
  4. Collect data systematically, accurately and Comprehensive.
  5. Using data from assessment and examination results in establishing the diagnosis.
  6. Develop a nursing plan based on needs.
  7. Provide complete service consisting of preventive, curative, promotive and rehabilitaif.
  8. Evaluate the response of patients and their families in nursing interventions, medical and others.
  9. Responsible for quality services through management.
  10. Maintain and ensure good relationships between team members.
  11. Developing a professional capacity.
  12. Participate in research activities for the development of home care.
  13. Using the code of professional conduct in performing services in home care.

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