
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Benefits, Role and Function of Nurse Home Care

Benefits of Nursing Home Care

1. For Clients and Families:

  • Program Home Care (HC) can help offset the cost of hospitalization is more expensive, because it can reduce the cost of patient accommodation, transportation and consumption of the family.
  • Strengthen family ties, because it can always close when a family member is ill.
  • Feel more comfortable being home alone.
  • The number of women working outside the home, so the task of caring for the sick mother who is usually done because it is hampered by the presence of a nurse to replace it.
2. For Nurses:
  • Provide variety of work environments, so it is not saturated with the environment remains the same.
  • Get to know the client and their environment well, so that health education is given in accordance with the client's situation and condition of the house, so the nurse job satisfaction will increase.
  • Data and interests of patients.
3. For the Hospital:
  • Making the hospital became more famous with the home care service does.
  • To evaluate the terms of the service that has been done.
  • To promote the hospital to the community.

Role and Function of Nurse Home Care

1. Case manager: manage and collaborate on services, with the function:
  • Identifying the needs of patients and families.
  • Service plan.
  • Coordinate team activities.
  • Monitor the quality of service.
2. Executing: provide direct care and services to evaluate the function:
  • Conduct a comprehensive assessment.
  • Nursing plan.
  • Nursing action.
  • Observe the patient's condition.
  • Assist patients in developing effective coping behavior.
  • Involving the family in the service.
  • Guiding all members of the family in health care.
  • To evaluate the nursing care.
  • Documenting nursing care.

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