
Sunday, October 20, 2013

How to Naturally Eliminate Nausea During Pregnancy

Nausea during pregnancy is common especially your early pregnancy. Nausea or morning sickness known often found in pregnant women. Although this nausea is common but can be extraordinary / extreme if the intensity is high and very disturbing you. Especially for those who are still actively working, of course, is very disturbing activities. Nausea or morning sickness does not only happen in the morning but throughout the day, usually in the first 3 months. Even so, not all pregnant women experience nausea excessive, there is also the usual and did not experience nausea in the first 3 months. Fortunately, if you do not experience nausea during pregnancy because of pregnancy onwards also do not experience nausea.

Although there are some women do not experience nausea, but most women will experience nausea during pregnancy. What are the causes of nausea during pregnancy ? The nausea could be caused by the following factors :

1. Increased progesterone
Increased progesterone can cause digestive problems pregnant women. So that your metabolism is not so good. Good digestion metabolism can cause nausea and vomiting.

2. Food
Food can also be a cause of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Oily and spicy foods can cause nausea and vomiting.

3. Sensitivity of smell and taste
In the times of the first 3 months of pregnancy pregnant women usually have a higher level of sensitivity to smell and taste. Usually a very sharp odor can cause nausea to vomiting.

Nausea or morning sickness is normal and can actually be reduced, provided that the pregnant woman who has had to try to relieve the nausea. The nausea that comes often lead us lazy eating and can damage the health of the baby. Therefore, pregnant women need to know how to naturally eliminate nausea during pregnancy that can still maintain the health of mothers and infants, among others:

1 . Pregnant milk consumption
Today many pregnant dairy products on offer . It helps pregnant women , pregnant dairy consumption , to reduce nausea . The content of vitamin B 16 may reduce nausea .

2 . Balanced nutrition
During pregnancy , try to always adequate maternal nutrition and the baby . Eat vegetables and fruits are very good for the days of pregnancy .

3 . Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy can help pregnant women relieve nausea and vomiting . Choose aromatherapy as desired . Smell the aromatherapy can help relax and forget about the nausea .

4 . Adjust your diet
Pregnant women who experience nausea would be difficult to eat . This could be detrimental to the mother and baby in the womb . Pregnant women should adjust your diet . Consume a little bit is better than nothing at all .

5 . Rest
Adequate rest is highly recommended for pregnant women who experience nausea . In addition to rest, avoid stress which can also lead to nausea.

Those are some natural ways eliminate nausea during pregnancy that I can write in a health article this time . Hope it can help you through pregnancy , especially in a first pregnancy .

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