
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

10 Way to Maintain a Healthy Body

Maintain a healthy body is very important, because it will determine whether or not our bodies healthy.

If we do not maintain the health of our bodies, the body will automatically become unhealthy, and will allow disease to enter the body, and ultimately your home becomes ill purposes.

Each person must have longed for a healthy body both physical and spiritual.

But here we are going to talk because his physical.
So here I will share tips on maintaining a healthy body in order to stay in shape, so that the body will be more resistant to any disease.

Here are 10 Way to Maintain a Healthy Body :

1. Maintain a healthy body is the first with positive thinking, In a healthy body there is a calm mind and healthy too. So try to always think positive to all the problems that hit us.

2. Tired after a long day is one of the causes of your immune deficiencies. So the rest of your body is a very appropriate step to eliminate the tiredness.

3. Adequate rest every day, is one of the factors to keep your immune system. In this case sufficient and quality sleep.

4. Every morning, try to always do regular exercise. It aims to maintain the condition of the body to keep it fit and healthy.

5. Fill fibrous foods every day. Fibrous foods are apples, carrots and nuts. This is the function of fiber foods keep the body from bacteria.

6. Always make sure that the food you eat is already in hygienic or clean or wash with thoroughly cooked perfect.

7. Eat reasonable portions do not overdo it. In fear of your body will be obese and at risk of disease associated with overweight or obesity.

8. Meet the needs of vitamin D. vitamin D because it serves to stimulate immune cells to ward off viruses and bacteria. Vitamin D can be found in sunlight, eggs, liver and fish.

9. Meet the needs of fluid required in the body. In this case the water is healthy. Eight glasses of water per day is the amount that must be fulfilled to meet the needs of the fluid in our body.

10. Smiling is a way of maintaining a healthy body most easily. This is because, with a smile so we can improve your immune system.

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