
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Tips to Prevent Stroke - Easy And Effective

Stroke is a medical disorder that can threaten the life of each person. Unhealthy lifestyle is one of the main causes of stroke. Definition of stroke itself is rupture of blood vessels or blood arteries leading to the brain organ. As a result, some of the nervous system in the brain certainly also be disrupted. So there are some people who suddenly trouble speaking or moving the several parts of his body as well as the risk of sudden death when stroke. There are various steps or easy tips to prevent the deadly stroke.

A stroke can strike adolescents, adults and the elderly both men and women. Began to change unhealthy lifestyle in yourself is the key to counteracting and preventing the stroke. You can start by doing a variety of physical activity are healthy, do not be lazy to exercise and eat a variety of foods that are healthy for the body and all the organs in your body. Tips health, prevent stroke following an easy and effective:

1. Set your daily exercise schedule.
Sport is one of the healthy physical activity throughout your body. Exercise will also nourish the heart organs and normalize blood pressure. So from that, spend time in the morning to the exercise routine.

2. Have a normal weight or ideal.
Too thin or too fat is also very good for your health. Obesity also increases the risk of stroke is higher.

3. Consumption of healthy meals every day.
In this case, various kinds of fruits and a variety of green leafy vegetables are very good to meet your body's nutritional needs. In addition, both types of healthy foods that can prevent a person from a stroke.

4. Stay away from bad habits that are not healthy.
Smoking is one of the bad habits that damage multiple organs in your body. In addition, smoking can also cause hypertension and heart unhealthy. Both of these can increase the risk of stroke.

5. Stop alcoholic beverages.
Try wherever possible to stop and not to approach the various beverages containing alcohol in it. This is because, alcoholic beverages are also able to increase stroke.

6. Limiting certain consume a variety of foods.
In this case, do not consume too much salt, high-fat meat and consume milk products that have a low fat content.

7. Drink enough water.
Water will help meet the needs of fluid in the body and help your weight loss program. Normal weight or ideal can reduce and even prevent someone from a stroke.

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