
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

5 Types of Foods Should be Consumed by Women Everyday

Food needs of men and women are different, because the body needs are also different. For women, there are some foods that must be eaten each day. Anything ?

As a woman, the body becomes a fairly important part in order to support the appearance. In order to maintain their ideal body shape, some women were trying to run a variety of diet programs. However, many women forget that the body also needs nutrients for the survival of the body's metabolic system.

To work around this, the following five types of foods should be consumed by women every day so that the nutrients the body needs remain unmet.

1. Greens
It is no doubt, if the greens are very good for the body. Green vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, broccoli, cassava leaves, and others are most excellent sources of fiber. In addition, vitamin C, vitamin K and folic acid are also no doubt. Other kinds of minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium, and potassium found in some types of greens. More and more green color of vegetables rich in nutrients.

2. Wheat
Wheat is a high source of fiber, nearly 96% of wheat is the main content of the fiber. While the rest are other vitamins and minerals. Because wheat is not quite easy to be in Indonesia, you can replace it with its derivatives, such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread, pasta from wheat.

3. Beans
Beans are a source of vegetable protein is very good. Besides beans also contain vitamin E, which is excellent for keeping skin moist, magnesium, and vitamin B. The beans can prevent cancer and heart attacks. You can eat peanuts as an afternoon snack, or mixed into a salad or yogurt. Within a week try to consume as much as half a bowl of beans to get maximum results.

4. Yoghurt
Low-fat yogurt or yogurt without flavor contains quite a lot of vitamins, protein, and calcium. Yoghurt also contains good bacteria that is good for the digestive system and prevent diseases of the stomach. Consumption of 3 to 4 cups of yogurt a week. Choose the type of yogurt that is plain and should not add sugar, if want something more noticeably add fresh fruit pieces into it.

5. Assorted Fruit Berries
It is no doubt, fruits are included in the family of berries (strawberry, raspberry, blueberry) is a source of fiber and antioxidants are also very good. These antioxidants not only prevent you from heart disease and stroke, but also keep your memory in good shape. Consumption of berries three times a week, is enough to keep your body healthy!

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