
Monday, September 28, 2015

10 Safety Tips to Overcome Acne During Pregnancy

Acne is a common complaint during pregnancy. In fact, five out of ten women experience severe acne conditions. This can lead to pregnant women often worry if acne is increasingly damaging the face and acne scars. Be careful with the use of the drug / cream acne during pregnancy because it would be problematic to fetal growth.

This article will help you to treat acne safely and healthy during pregnancy so that you can prevent further damage facial acne. You do not need to use cream / oral medication to treat acne. You can find out the cause of acne that occurs during pregnancy and prevention are safe during your pregnancy.

Causes of Acne During Pregnancy

Face acne during pregnancy is very complicated, on the other hand you want to still look healthy and beautiful and on the other hand you are experiencing pregnancy should be protected from harmful chemicals commonly found in some acne medications. The use of hazardous chemicals will lead to a higher risk of birth defects. Therefore consider the use of drugs or acne cream during pregnancy.

Safety Tips to Overcome Acne During Pregnancy

Pregnancy acne is a natural condition which usually resolves after childbirth. So, the safest course of action is a good skin care. Here are some methods to cope with pregnancy acne without using drugs.

  1. Limit washing your face twice a day and that is also after heavy sweating. This is to prevent the spread of acne. Keep hands or cotton that you use really clean avoid bacteria that will make acne worse.
  2. If you wash your face with acne, then use a face wash that is oil-free and alcohol-free, and also make sure it does not contain chemicals that are harmful to the pregnancy.
  3. Use cotton, tissue or soft cloth and a single-use disposable when in contact with parts that do not aggravate acne acne development.
  4. When washing the face, you can rinse your skin with acne by using warm water and then pat gently until dry. Do not rub on the acne because it will make acne worse.
  5. To prevent facial acne can be washed every day by using the right shampoo regularly. If you have oily skin, it is best to wash it every day. Avoid oily scalp because it will trigger face acne.
  6. You can consume foods that contain B6 because it can help the immune system in the body and also the production of antibodies. Even the content of pyridoxine may play a role in fatty acids, proteins and metabolism. Pregnant women who are deficient in vitamin B6 will hinder the healing process of acne and even acne tends to increase.
  7. Pregnant women can schedule regular exercise so as to avoid acne worse. With special sports pregnant women, it can help to improve the circulation of blood flow throughout the body that can help maintain healthy skin.
  8. Avoid unpacking pimples or scratching will cause the acne scars that are difficult disappeared. Even touching the face with acne often will make the area face more severe because the bacteria that stick in hand.
  9. You can use the oil absorbing micro-fiber cloth that can help reduce oily face complaints when you are pregnant. Thus you can prevent acne from getting worse.
  10. If the acne condition has been getting worse then you can consult a doctor so as not to make a face getting damaged and leave scars that are difficult acne scars disappear.

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