
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Relieve Stress with Breathing Exercises

Relieve Stress with Breathing Exercises
Stress is a psychological disorder that can interfere with your activities. Causes of stress can vary, ranging from job stress, marital problems, to economic problems and so on.

Almost every day you will be dealing with stress. You need to know that stress is one of the main triggers excessive increase in appetite, which can thwart your efforts to lose weight. Well, so you do not overeat when stressed, you can overcome it with breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises is a method of breathing in certain ways to enhance and improve the performance of the respiratory system (respiration). This exercise plays a role in improving the performance of the lungs to absorb oxygen optimally. Research states that do breathing exercises for 30 seconds to 2 minutes, five times a day are performed routinely within 12 weeks can improve the performance of the lungs as much as 10%.

Not only useful to relieve stress, breathing exercises can also increase energy, stabilize blood pressure, helps remove toxins from the body through urine, sweat, and so on and improve the health of the digestive system. Needless to place or a special time to do this exercise. You can do it anywhere and anytime.

How to do Breathing Exercises

Doing breathing exercises is not as difficult as you think. In fact you can do this exercise in your busy life. It's easy, that is, you can simply sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes. Inhale deeply through your nose and hold for five seconds, then gently remove it from the mouth for seven seconds. Repeat up to 4-5 times. You can also do this exercise in other ways, namely, take a deep breath from your nose, hold 5 seconds and then exhale through the mouth with the sound, and feel the benefits for your fitness.

Do breathing exercises whenever you experience stress, panic, nervousness, and other conditions that make you uncomfortable. Breathing exercises are also good to clear the mind, relaxes the body, and improve your concentration. Let's make it a habit of healthy life by diligently doing breathing exercises.

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