
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

10 Types of Foods that Can Boost the Immune System

10 Types of Foods that Can Boost the Immune System
Some Foods That Can Boost The Immune System

Enhance immunity is something that is very important to maintain the balance of health. Noteworthy is the human body's immunity can only be improved naturally. Talking about the natural way, there are only two ways to increase immunity.

The first is with exercise or sports, and the second is by eating foods that boost the immune system naturally. At the time of this discussion, we will focus on what foods can boost immunity.

Some Foods That Can Boost The Immune System

1. Egg
Eggs are one of the foods that are good for the immune system. Eggs contain several vitamins, the main ones are vitamin D with the potential to eradicate the disease, increase sex drive, and regulate the flow of blood in the body.

2. Meat
Meat is rich in zinc, an element that is essential to the ability to produce white blood cells and multiply. And as we know, the white blood cells help us to fight disease.

3. Greens
Green vegetables are rich in vitamins B1, A, and C. Vegetables are also rich in zinc. As far as you want to boost the immune system, do not hesitate to include green vegetables in your diet mandatory list.

4. Garlic
Garlic has the advantage, namely to protect our health by regulating hormones, regulating blood flow, increasing the passionate relationship of husband - wife, and many others. If you look further, garlic has to improve immune function are impressive. Garlic contains allcin, a powerful component that can destroy the bacteria and infection.

5. Yoghurt
Yogurt contains active cultures of bacteria that are good for health. Bacteria that are good for health, it is essential to keep the digestive system, especially intestine. A healthy digestive system is essential for a powerful immune system.

6. Berry
Berries, especially blueberries and raspberries, have antioxidants that can strengthen the body's natural immune system. Blueberries have low blood sugar compared to other fruits.

7. Lemon
Lemon is a fruit that can boost our immune system. Rich in vitamin C makes our body stronger against illnesses that attack.

8. Ginger
Ginger has potent antimicrobial material. They are also rich in antioxidants and minerals. Ginger is a favorite food of the men who want to improve their immune system.

9. Coconut
Coconut and coconut oil have the advantage of abundant health. They have a lauric acid which is transformed into monolaurin. If you do not already know about monolaurin, there are components in milk and naturally strengthen the immune system of the baby.

10. Avocado
Avocado contains vitamins B1, C, A, and minerals that make it a fruit that is included in the healthiest foods in the world. It helps cleanse the intestines naturally.

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