
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

10 Types of Foods that Can Boost the Immune System

10 Types of Foods that Can Boost the Immune System
Some Foods That Can Boost The Immune System

Enhance immunity is something that is very important to maintain the balance of health. Noteworthy is the human body's immunity can only be improved naturally. Talking about the natural way, there are only two ways to increase immunity.

The first is with exercise or sports, and the second is by eating foods that boost the immune system naturally. At the time of this discussion, we will focus on what foods can boost immunity.

Some Foods That Can Boost The Immune System

1. Egg
Eggs are one of the foods that are good for the immune system. Eggs contain several vitamins, the main ones are vitamin D with the potential to eradicate the disease, increase sex drive, and regulate the flow of blood in the body.

2. Meat
Meat is rich in zinc, an element that is essential to the ability to produce white blood cells and multiply. And as we know, the white blood cells help us to fight disease.

3. Greens
Green vegetables are rich in vitamins B1, A, and C. Vegetables are also rich in zinc. As far as you want to boost the immune system, do not hesitate to include green vegetables in your diet mandatory list.

4. Garlic
Garlic has the advantage, namely to protect our health by regulating hormones, regulating blood flow, increasing the passionate relationship of husband - wife, and many others. If you look further, garlic has to improve immune function are impressive. Garlic contains allcin, a powerful component that can destroy the bacteria and infection.

5. Yoghurt
Yogurt contains active cultures of bacteria that are good for health. Bacteria that are good for health, it is essential to keep the digestive system, especially intestine. A healthy digestive system is essential for a powerful immune system.

6. Berry
Berries, especially blueberries and raspberries, have antioxidants that can strengthen the body's natural immune system. Blueberries have low blood sugar compared to other fruits.

7. Lemon
Lemon is a fruit that can boost our immune system. Rich in vitamin C makes our body stronger against illnesses that attack.

8. Ginger
Ginger has potent antimicrobial material. They are also rich in antioxidants and minerals. Ginger is a favorite food of the men who want to improve their immune system.

9. Coconut
Coconut and coconut oil have the advantage of abundant health. They have a lauric acid which is transformed into monolaurin. If you do not already know about monolaurin, there are components in milk and naturally strengthen the immune system of the baby.

10. Avocado
Avocado contains vitamins B1, C, A, and minerals that make it a fruit that is included in the healthiest foods in the world. It helps cleanse the intestines naturally.

Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration - (Mild, Moderate and Severe)

Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration - Mild, Moderate and Severe
Dehydration occurs when water or fluids out of the body more than the incoming fluid, so that the body can not perform its functions properly. If the fluid needs are not immediately met, then the body will become dehydrated.

Dehydration is generally caused due to lack of drinking water, or when the body fluid that comes out is not immediately replaced. The weather, the level and frequency of physical activity and poor diet can also cause dehydration.

A person also can become dehydrated as a result of the disease being suffered, such as vomiting and diarrhea, sweating out while fever, and when doing activity in hot weather.

Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration

Early signs of dehydration include:
  • Feel thirsty.
  • Dizziness.
  • Dark yellow urine.
  • Frequency of urination is reduced than usual.
To know clearly the body hydrated is to look at the color of urine: if the color is bright and clear, the body well hydrated, and if yellow - dark red then it is almost certainly a sign of dehydration.

Dehydration (mild - moderate) can cause effects and symptoms as follows:
  • Dry mouth and sticky.
  • Tired and sleepy.
  • Thirst.
  • The quantity of urine is reduced.
  • Dry skin.
  • Constipation.
  • Headache.
In children, they usually become less active than usual when dehydrated.

Severe dehydration

If left unchecked, the body fluid deficiency, can lead to severe dehydration. Severe dehydration is an emergency medical condition, and must be given treatment.

Symptoms of severe dehydration can include:
  • Very thirsty.
  • Mouth, skin, and mucous membranes are very dry.
  • Confusion and irritability.
  • Not urinating more than 8 hours.
  • Very dark-colored urine, and few in number.
  • The eyes look sunken, heavy, dry and sore.
  • Rapid heartbeat.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Low levels of awareness to a fever.

The best way to treat the dehydration is quickly replacing lost body fluids, ie with plenty of water, white water, milk, or fruit juice.

Sweet drinks can be used to replace the shortage of sugar in the body, and a snack or light meal can be used to replace body salts.

To prevent dehydration, it is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. And drinking more than usual when the activity in hot weather, after exercising or sweating, and before going to bed and after waking.

Tips to Prevent Stroke - Easy And Effective

Stroke is a medical disorder that can threaten the life of each person. Unhealthy lifestyle is one of the main causes of stroke. Definition of stroke itself is rupture of blood vessels or blood arteries leading to the brain organ. As a result, some of the nervous system in the brain certainly also be disrupted. So there are some people who suddenly trouble speaking or moving the several parts of his body as well as the risk of sudden death when stroke. There are various steps or easy tips to prevent the deadly stroke.

A stroke can strike adolescents, adults and the elderly both men and women. Began to change unhealthy lifestyle in yourself is the key to counteracting and preventing the stroke. You can start by doing a variety of physical activity are healthy, do not be lazy to exercise and eat a variety of foods that are healthy for the body and all the organs in your body. Tips health, prevent stroke following an easy and effective:

1. Set your daily exercise schedule.
Sport is one of the healthy physical activity throughout your body. Exercise will also nourish the heart organs and normalize blood pressure. So from that, spend time in the morning to the exercise routine.

2. Have a normal weight or ideal.
Too thin or too fat is also very good for your health. Obesity also increases the risk of stroke is higher.

3. Consumption of healthy meals every day.
In this case, various kinds of fruits and a variety of green leafy vegetables are very good to meet your body's nutritional needs. In addition, both types of healthy foods that can prevent a person from a stroke.

4. Stay away from bad habits that are not healthy.
Smoking is one of the bad habits that damage multiple organs in your body. In addition, smoking can also cause hypertension and heart unhealthy. Both of these can increase the risk of stroke.

5. Stop alcoholic beverages.
Try wherever possible to stop and not to approach the various beverages containing alcohol in it. This is because, alcoholic beverages are also able to increase stroke.

6. Limiting certain consume a variety of foods.
In this case, do not consume too much salt, high-fat meat and consume milk products that have a low fat content.

7. Drink enough water.
Water will help meet the needs of fluid in the body and help your weight loss program. Normal weight or ideal can reduce and even prevent someone from a stroke.

5 Types of Foods Should be Consumed by Women Everyday

Food needs of men and women are different, because the body needs are also different. For women, there are some foods that must be eaten each day. Anything ?

As a woman, the body becomes a fairly important part in order to support the appearance. In order to maintain their ideal body shape, some women were trying to run a variety of diet programs. However, many women forget that the body also needs nutrients for the survival of the body's metabolic system.

To work around this, the following five types of foods should be consumed by women every day so that the nutrients the body needs remain unmet.

1. Greens
It is no doubt, if the greens are very good for the body. Green vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, broccoli, cassava leaves, and others are most excellent sources of fiber. In addition, vitamin C, vitamin K and folic acid are also no doubt. Other kinds of minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium, and potassium found in some types of greens. More and more green color of vegetables rich in nutrients.

2. Wheat
Wheat is a high source of fiber, nearly 96% of wheat is the main content of the fiber. While the rest are other vitamins and minerals. Because wheat is not quite easy to be in Indonesia, you can replace it with its derivatives, such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread, pasta from wheat.

3. Beans
Beans are a source of vegetable protein is very good. Besides beans also contain vitamin E, which is excellent for keeping skin moist, magnesium, and vitamin B. The beans can prevent cancer and heart attacks. You can eat peanuts as an afternoon snack, or mixed into a salad or yogurt. Within a week try to consume as much as half a bowl of beans to get maximum results.

4. Yoghurt
Low-fat yogurt or yogurt without flavor contains quite a lot of vitamins, protein, and calcium. Yoghurt also contains good bacteria that is good for the digestive system and prevent diseases of the stomach. Consumption of 3 to 4 cups of yogurt a week. Choose the type of yogurt that is plain and should not add sugar, if want something more noticeably add fresh fruit pieces into it.

5. Assorted Fruit Berries
It is no doubt, fruits are included in the family of berries (strawberry, raspberry, blueberry) is a source of fiber and antioxidants are also very good. These antioxidants not only prevent you from heart disease and stroke, but also keep your memory in good shape. Consumption of berries three times a week, is enough to keep your body healthy!

Relieve Stress with Breathing Exercises

Relieve Stress with Breathing Exercises
Stress is a psychological disorder that can interfere with your activities. Causes of stress can vary, ranging from job stress, marital problems, to economic problems and so on.

Almost every day you will be dealing with stress. You need to know that stress is one of the main triggers excessive increase in appetite, which can thwart your efforts to lose weight. Well, so you do not overeat when stressed, you can overcome it with breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises is a method of breathing in certain ways to enhance and improve the performance of the respiratory system (respiration). This exercise plays a role in improving the performance of the lungs to absorb oxygen optimally. Research states that do breathing exercises for 30 seconds to 2 minutes, five times a day are performed routinely within 12 weeks can improve the performance of the lungs as much as 10%.

Not only useful to relieve stress, breathing exercises can also increase energy, stabilize blood pressure, helps remove toxins from the body through urine, sweat, and so on and improve the health of the digestive system. Needless to place or a special time to do this exercise. You can do it anywhere and anytime.

How to do Breathing Exercises

Doing breathing exercises is not as difficult as you think. In fact you can do this exercise in your busy life. It's easy, that is, you can simply sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes. Inhale deeply through your nose and hold for five seconds, then gently remove it from the mouth for seven seconds. Repeat up to 4-5 times. You can also do this exercise in other ways, namely, take a deep breath from your nose, hold 5 seconds and then exhale through the mouth with the sound, and feel the benefits for your fitness.

Do breathing exercises whenever you experience stress, panic, nervousness, and other conditions that make you uncomfortable. Breathing exercises are also good to clear the mind, relaxes the body, and improve your concentration. Let's make it a habit of healthy life by diligently doing breathing exercises.

Monday, September 28, 2015

10 Safety Tips to Overcome Acne During Pregnancy

Acne is a common complaint during pregnancy. In fact, five out of ten women experience severe acne conditions. This can lead to pregnant women often worry if acne is increasingly damaging the face and acne scars. Be careful with the use of the drug / cream acne during pregnancy because it would be problematic to fetal growth.

This article will help you to treat acne safely and healthy during pregnancy so that you can prevent further damage facial acne. You do not need to use cream / oral medication to treat acne. You can find out the cause of acne that occurs during pregnancy and prevention are safe during your pregnancy.

Causes of Acne During Pregnancy

Face acne during pregnancy is very complicated, on the other hand you want to still look healthy and beautiful and on the other hand you are experiencing pregnancy should be protected from harmful chemicals commonly found in some acne medications. The use of hazardous chemicals will lead to a higher risk of birth defects. Therefore consider the use of drugs or acne cream during pregnancy.

Safety Tips to Overcome Acne During Pregnancy

Pregnancy acne is a natural condition which usually resolves after childbirth. So, the safest course of action is a good skin care. Here are some methods to cope with pregnancy acne without using drugs.

  1. Limit washing your face twice a day and that is also after heavy sweating. This is to prevent the spread of acne. Keep hands or cotton that you use really clean avoid bacteria that will make acne worse.
  2. If you wash your face with acne, then use a face wash that is oil-free and alcohol-free, and also make sure it does not contain chemicals that are harmful to the pregnancy.
  3. Use cotton, tissue or soft cloth and a single-use disposable when in contact with parts that do not aggravate acne acne development.
  4. When washing the face, you can rinse your skin with acne by using warm water and then pat gently until dry. Do not rub on the acne because it will make acne worse.
  5. To prevent facial acne can be washed every day by using the right shampoo regularly. If you have oily skin, it is best to wash it every day. Avoid oily scalp because it will trigger face acne.
  6. You can consume foods that contain B6 because it can help the immune system in the body and also the production of antibodies. Even the content of pyridoxine may play a role in fatty acids, proteins and metabolism. Pregnant women who are deficient in vitamin B6 will hinder the healing process of acne and even acne tends to increase.
  7. Pregnant women can schedule regular exercise so as to avoid acne worse. With special sports pregnant women, it can help to improve the circulation of blood flow throughout the body that can help maintain healthy skin.
  8. Avoid unpacking pimples or scratching will cause the acne scars that are difficult disappeared. Even touching the face with acne often will make the area face more severe because the bacteria that stick in hand.
  9. You can use the oil absorbing micro-fiber cloth that can help reduce oily face complaints when you are pregnant. Thus you can prevent acne from getting worse.
  10. If the acne condition has been getting worse then you can consult a doctor so as not to make a face getting damaged and leave scars that are difficult acne scars disappear.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Predisposing and Precipitating Factors of Anxiety

Anxiety is a word we use to describe feelings of unease, worry and fear. It is often accompanied by muscular tension, restlessness, fatigue and problems in concentration. Anxiety can be appropriate, but when experienced regularly the individual may suffer from an anxiety disorder.

There are various types of anxiety. Existential anxiety can occur when a person faces angst, an existential crisis, or nihilistic feelings. People can also face mathematical anxiety, somatic anxiety, stage fright, or test anxiety. Social anxiety and stranger anxiety are caused when people are apprehensive around strangers or other people in general.

Predisposing Factors

Predisposing stressors is all the tensions in life that can cause anxiety (Suliswati, 2005). Tensions in the life can be:
  1. Traumatic events, which can trigger anxiety with regard to the crisis experienced by individuals either developmental or situational crisis.
  2. Emotional conflict experienced by individuals and are not resolved properly. The conflict between the id and the superego or between desire and reality can cause anxiety in individuals.
  3. Impaired self-concept will lead to the inability of the individual to think in reality that will cause anxiety.
  4. Frustration will lead to a sense of powerlessness to make decisions that affect ego.
  5. Physical disturbance will cause anxiety because it is a threat to the physical integrity that can affect an individual's self-concept.
  6. Pattern family coping mechanisms to handle stress or family patterns will affect individuals in responding to the conflict experienced due to the pattern of individual coping mechanisms studied in the family.
  7. Family history of anxiety disorder will affect an individual's response to respond to conflicts and overcome anxiety.
  8. Medications that can trigger anxiety is medication containing benzodizepin, because benzodiazepines can suppress neurotransmitter gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) which controls the activity of neurons in the brain that is responsible for generating anxiety.

Precipitating Factors

Stressor precipitation is all the tensions in life that can trigger the onset of anxiety (Suliswati, 2005). Stressor precipitation of anxiety are grouped into two parts, namely:
1. The threat to the physical integrity. Tensions that threaten the physical integrity which includes:
  • Internal sources, including the failure of the physiological mechanisms of the immune system, regulation of body temperature, the normal biological changes (eg pregnancy).
  • External sources, including exposure to viral and bacterial infections, environmental pollutants, accidents, lack of nutrition, inadequate shelter.

2. The threat to self-esteem include internal and external sources.
  • Internal sources: difficulties in interpersonal dealing in the home and workplace, the adjustment to this new role. Various threats to the physical integrity of self-esteem can also be threatened.
  • External sources: loss of a loved one, divorce, change in job status, pressure groups, social and cultural.

Diarrhea related to Nutritional Status

According to Mansjoer (2000), the cause of diarrhea in infants is due to infection (viruses, bacteria, parasites), malabsorption, food and immunodeficiency. Meanwhile, according to Sutoto, 1992 (in Simatupang, 2004) mentions that diarrhea causes malnutrition and aggravate diarrhea. Therefore, treatment with appropriate and adequate food is a major component of clinical management of diarrhea and also in the management of the home.

Weight and duration of diarrhea was strongly influenced by the nutritional status of patients, and diarrhea suffered by children with malnutrition status, more severe compared with children whose nutritional status is good, because children with malnutrition status output of fluids and faeces more so that the child will suffer severe dehydration , Supported also by the opinion (Scrimsham, 1999, in Saiful, 2009) there is a very close relationship between infection (causes diarrhea) and nutritional status, especially in children under five years old, because of the pressure of a synergistic interaction.

Pathology mechanisms can individually or together, ie a decrease in nutrient intake due to a lack of appetite, decreased absorption, reduce eating habits in times of illness, and increased fluid loss / nutrition due to diarrhea were continuously so that the body limp. Likewise, there is a relationship between nutritional status and infectious diarrhea in children under five years old. If the input of food or lack of nutrients will decrease the metabolism so that the body will be susceptible to disease. It can occur in children under five years suffer from diarrhea. Therefore, the input of food or nutrients must be considered in order to avoid a decrease in metabolism in the body.

Consumption of good nutrition and sufficient, is needed by someone, especially in children under five years old, because they often can not be met. Consumption of these nutrients, can not be fulfilled due to external and internal factors. External factors concerning the limitations of the family economy, so that the money available is not enough to buy food, while the internal factors are the factors that are within the child psychologically emerged as a problem eating in children under five years, or could also be due to malnutrition obtained from since birth due to malnutrition in the mother during pregnancy.

Therefore, the nutritional intake of children more attention because it will cause the status of malnutrition among children under five years (Suhardjo 2002, in Saiful, 2009). Nutritional status of children is an important thing that should be known by every parent. The need for more attention in the growth and development in the age of the children because it is in a vulnerable situation based on the fact that malnutrition is happening in this golden period, is irreversible (can not be recovered). Malnutrition that occurred during this period, such as protein-energy malnutrition, iodine deficiency disorders, vitamin A deficiency and infections are common in children, especially diarrheal disease (Lisdiana, 1998, in Saiful, 2009).

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