
Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Role of Higher Education in Nursing

There are 4 critical role of higher education in nursing :

1. Fostering an outlook attitude and professional skills

Higher Education in Nursing was instrumental in fostering the attitude, outlook, and professional skills, graduates. Nurses are expected to be able to act, and have a professional outlook, nursing a broad-minded, and have sufficient scientific knowledge of nursing, and master the professional skills is good and right (Husin, 1966).

As a profesional nurse, obtained job satisfaction which in turn foster the achievement of performance capability through better working again. Critical thinking skills to make decisions and be able to account for the decisions and actions taken is one of the main factors to achieve job satisfaction (Jones and Beck, 1996). Nurse job satisfaction will result in satisfaction of the nursing service users, both societies and institutions of employment.

2. Improve the quality of care / nursing care and health

Nursing education to be able to produce professional nurses include intellectual skills, interpersonal, and technical, able to account legally, decisions and actions taken in accordance with the standards and code of ethics, and can be a role model for other nurses.

Nursing theories and models can be said to be useful, if it can be applied to services, as well as the management system of nursing is learned during training. Service facilities that can be used as an educational resource that is expected is conducive to the learning process of learners (Hamid, 1997).

3. Resolve nursing problems and develop science and technology of nursing through nursing

With the cooperation between the educational institutions and services, enabling the transformation of science and technology, including the identification of health problems, particularly on issues related to nursing for nursing research that aims to produce an answer to the question, resulting in a solution of the problem, either through product form technology or new methods or products and services based on the theory test conditions or new facts. (Leddy and Pepper, 1993; Mayer, Medden and Lawrence, 1990)

4. Improve the lives of professionalism through professional organizations

Higher education in nursing, will facilitate the development of nursing organizational life, for more professional. With profesional education, nurse as a member of a professional organization will better understand and appreciate the roles, responsibilities, and rights as a member of a professional organization that has a nature, views, and professional capability, it is possible nursing organizations act as quality control of nursing care services to the community through regulation of rights, responsibilities, and authority of each nurse based on their competence (Schmale, 1996).

In addition, professional organizations will be instrumental in the process of developing and fostering professional skills and implement a code of professional conduct for each of its members through the provision of setting up and continuing education system and to control the use and development of nursing science and technology (Husin, 1999).

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