
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Purpose of Education In Nursing

The purpose of education is often very general nature, such as a good human being, responsible, devoted to God, to serve the community, the nation and the state, and so on.

In the world of education, recognized a number of attempts to decipher the very general purpose. One of them was Herbert Spencer (1860) who analyzed the educational purpose in five sections, namely to:

  • Activities for survival.
  • Attempt to make a living.
  • Children's education.
  • Maintaining relationships with the community and the state.
  • Use of leisure time.

Educational goals set forth by Herbert Spencer, based on what is considered the most valuable and necessary for every person to life in society.

Bloom cs distinguish three categories of educational purpose, namely:

I. Cognitive (head)

Purpose of Cognitive regarding the ability of the individual to know about the world, which includes intellectual or mental development. Purpose of cognitive divided into 6 sections, namely;

a) Knowledge
Includes information and facts that can be mastered through memorization to remember.

b) Comprehension
Is the ability to express a definition, formula, interpreting a theory.

c) Application
An ability to apply or use a sense, concepts, principles, theories that require the acquisition of knowledge and deeper understanding.

d) Analysis
Namely the ability to decipher something in elements such as analysis of the relationship between people and nature, and the universe.

e) Synthesis
Namely the ability to see the relationship between the number of elements.

f) Evaluation
Judgment based on the evidence or specific criteria.

II. Affective (heart)

Purpose of Affective regarding the development of attitudes, feelings, and values ​​or emotional and moral development. Affective objectives is divided into 5 sections, namely;

a) Receiving
Receive, pay attention to a certain value.

b) Responding
Which showed a reaction to certain norms, shows willingness and readiness to respond, feel satisfied in response.

c) Valuing
Ie accept a norm, a norm of respect, and bind themselves to these norms.

d) Organization
Forming a concept of a value, develop a system of values.

e) Characterization by Value or Value Complex
Embodies personal values ​​in making a person's character, it becomes part of the norm personally.

III. Psychomotor (hand)

Purpose of Psychomotor development involves an element of motor skills.

The role of nurses not only caregivers but also as counselor, educator and consultant, so with the role of a nurse requires knowledge of education in order to provide appropriate education in a systematic manner, methods and media education are true and correct to the client, so that the results of education given to the client can be achieved on target and appropriate.

Nurses must master the field of education, for study of science education, a department of nursing students are expected to give and receive information that will be needed in the face of the patient (others) so as to lead to the achievement of professional competence.

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