
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

19 Tips for Maintaining Skin Beauty

Skin is the largest organ of the body. Skin protects vital organs in the body, and keep us from infection. And in terms of beauty, skin is a very important organ. Clean and smooth skin is a sign of a healthy body.

The skin consists of three layers. Namely epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. The thickness of the skin varies throughout the body. For example, delicate skin around the eyes is only as thick as a few sheets of paper and a knee in the leg just as thick as a pencil eraser.

Thinking about the different characteristics of the skin in many areas, but the skin is an organ and not all skins 'fleshy'. As an organ, the skin wraps the human body, including the nails and hair. In total, approximately 16% of total body weight is skin.

Here are some tips for maintaining skin beauty:

  1. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day to keep the skin moist.
  2. Eat foods that are nutritionally balanced, rich in vitamins A and C to maintain healthy skin.
  3. Drink a glass of water mixed with honey to keep the skin clean and smooth look.
  4. Milk helps moisturize and soften the skin.
  5. Try to keep the room temperature remains warm to prevent dry skin.
  6. Wash with warm water and soap is softer. Do not use hot water because it will make your skin dry or blistered.
  7. After a shower, do not dry the skin with a rough towel. Use a soft towel.
  8. Eat fruits and vegetables to prevent skin becomes scaly.
  9. Cucumber is a source of sodium that can help prevent the skin becomes wrinkled. Cucumbers also help keep the body fresh.
  10. Use cream after a bath, hand wash or during cold weather. This will help to keep skin soft.
  11. Use lotions containing hydroxyl acid or salicylic acid. These lotions not only to keep the skin moist, but also be polished.
  12. Rub your skin with walnut or apricot to get rid of dead cells and maintain the health of the outer skin.
  13. Use gloves during hot weather to protect hand skin section.
  14. Use the cream to the fingers look gorgeous.
  15. Wash your face with special soap, while going and just got up.
  16. Use an SPF moisturizer on your face and body when going out of the house, to prevent premature aging of the skin.
  17. Always clean make-up with cleansing lotion before retiring. That's because the make-up contains harmful chemicals that would cover the pores of the skin. And will cause infections and acne. Some of certain chemicals will also cause the skin to become darker.
  18. Use a mask once a week to keep facial skin clean and fresh.
  19. Use make-up with natural colors that will look bright when exposed to light or dark place.

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