
Monday, June 3, 2013

How To Eliminate Acne With Fruit

Face is one body part that most treated by women. Many problems that arise and cause her feel so important to maintain and care for, because the face is the main attraction for women. Acne scars and dark spots is one of the problems for women and is associated with self-confidence.

Indeed for teenagers, acne can indeed make the problem of reducing a sense of self-confidence, especially when the appearance of acne all over the face. Acne usually occurs on the first time when we are experiencing puberty or around the age of 12-19 years, whereas in adolescence, the production of the hormone androgen is active and trigger acne.

Acne is caused due to the emergence of chronic inflammation of the oil glands of the skin (pilosebaceous / sebaceous), which is caused by the lack of balance of the formation of oil with oil that comes out through the surface of the skin, causing the buildup and then hardens and eventually form a clot blockage in the face of triggering bacteria causes of acne (Propionibacterium acnes).

Many ways to remove acne scars or dark spots. With a face cream sold by pharmacies and doctors, but it would be nice if we use the natural way. Particularly with fruits.

1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are often found in the kitchen, but tomatoes also have many benefits. Fresh red fruit that is it can be used to remove acne and dark spots. How to use also pretty easy, cut into thin with wide rounded shape, then rub on the face slowly, so that the skin does not feel sore. This treatment can be done at night before bed every day and regularly.

2. Cucumber

Cucumber known as a delicious fruit to make a salad, fresh vegetables. Cucumber known as the fruit to remove acne scars and dark spots. Cucumbers can also be used as a facial freshener and moisturizer. How to use cucumber fairly easy. Enough with thinly sliced ​​and then rub on the face gently. To refresh the skin, and stick it on your face and wait for it to dry and do regularly 3 times a day.

3. Starfruit

Starfruit also known as star fruit vegetables, a fruit that is often used by mothers to cook for a refreshing sour aroma in cooking. Because it contains a lot of vitamin C, starfruit can be used to remove acne scars and dark spots on the face. easy way, prepare 4-5 starfruit fruit, washed and puree, then add a little salt approx tip of a teaspoon and gently rub into the face. Do this 3 times a day for maximum results.

4. Avocados

Avocados are often found to be juice. But in addition to Avocado juice drinks, syrup and can be served as a refreshing drink, it turns out the avocado is also beneficial to get rid of acne. Avocado is often found as an ingredient of beauty products, such as lotions, toners, masks, etc.. Amino acids that is rich in fiber also has anticoagulant and can protect the skin from damage and free radicals.

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