
Monday, October 12, 2015

Do You Know The Common Symptoms of Sinusitis ?

If you are having difficulty breathing, nasal congestion, pain in the eye or forehead, face like feel full, even on your teeth ache. You'd better be careful. You can be exposed to sinusitis. Those are some common symptoms of sinusitis. Do you know what exactly is sinusitis?

Sinusitis can be described as an inflammation of the sinus area. Sinus itself an air space that is located in the area of the face and connect directly with your nose.

Well, due to the inflammation of the sinus area are stockpiling the lenders in the sinus area. This resulted in the growth of bacteria. Well, but to diagnose sinusitis a person is infected with is not easy.

This is due to sinusitis symptoms similar to flu symptoms. A child whose flu for more than ten days is suspect that the child has been exposed to sinusitis.

Well, that's why on this occasion will discuss these concerns sinusitis symptoms. And expected you able to cope.

1. Nose colds
At first the disease begins with cold sinusitis. It is caused by inflammation triggered by colds, irritation or allergy attack that is common in sinusitis.

2. Pressure around the teeth and face
Basically sinusitis patients who are already infected will experience symptoms much. Usually a patient will experience nasal congestion even sick or feel excessive pressure in the area around the teeth and face. Excessive pressure on the teeth and facial area is a major sign that signifies that a person infected sinusitis. The pressure caused by the already inflamed tissue in the wall of nerve endings in your sinuses.

If you feel pain in the forehead area or even hurt your head then this is caused by frontal sinusitis which is located in the upper area of the forehead or eyes. If you feel pain in the cheek area and then spread to an area of the upper teeth, then this is caused by maxillary sinusitis located in both your cheekbones.

However, if you feel pain in your eye area, then this is caused by ethmoid sinusitis that lies between your eyes. Whereas if the pain in the crown of the head, behind the eyes or even along your neck, then this is a result of the sphenoid sinusitis which is located below the brain and behind your nose.

3. Nasal mucus
Symptoms of sinusitis worse still is the patient's nose will discharge that is green, yellow, or clear it. Other symptoms experienced by the patient is feeling excessive fatigue.

4. Decreased sense of smell and taste
In addition to the symptoms of sinusitis above, there are also symptoms of a reduction in your sense of smell. Due to the swelling of the lining of the nose will inhibit many kinds of smells that you can breathe.

So make your olfactory receptors will gradually experience a reduction. It turns out in addition to the reduction of sense of smell, your taste buds power will also decrease.

5. Cough and breath odor
Other common symptoms of sinusitis are experienced by patients is that bad breath and coughing. Bad breath caused by mucus that had been infected. This mucus containing bacteria so that if the exit going to stink.

If cough, this occurs because the mucus that can touch your vocal cords so will cause you to cough. Some symptoms of sinusitis should be considered because of the help that is ignored or overlooked (untreated), will make the germ of a sinusitis infection spread to the bone around the affected sinus cavity, eye, receptor (brain), and even the lungs.

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