
Sunday, October 4, 2015

Acute Bronchitis - Definition, Etiology, Risk Factors, Signs and Symptoms

Acute Bronchitis
Definition of Acute Bronchitis

Acute bronchitis is an acute respiratory tract infection disease (inflammation of the bronchi) that usually occurs in infants and children are usually also accompanied by tracheitis (Ngastiyah; 1997; 36).

  • Acute bronchitis is usually often caused by viruses such as Rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, and coxsackie virus. Acute bronchitis can also be found in children who are suffering from measles (morbilli), pertussis and Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections.
  • Another cause of acute bronchitis may also by bacteria (staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, haemophilus influenzae). Bronchitis can also be caused by a parasite such as ascariasis and fungi.
  • Causes of non-infectious is due to aspiration of the physical or chemical materials. Predisposing factors occurrence of acute bronchitis is a change in weather, allergies, air pollution and chronic upper respiratory tract infections predispose to bronchitis.

Risk Factors

Factors that increase the risk of bronchitis include:
  • Cigarette smoke. People who smoke or who live with smokers are at higher risk for symptoms of acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis.
  • Low resistance. This is usually the result of other acute illness, such as a cold or a chronic condition that compromise the immune system. Adults, infants and children have a greater susceptibility to infection.
  • Exposure to irritants on the job. Bronchitis disease risk is greater when working around the place that may be exposed to lung irritants, such as iron ore or textiles and exposed to chemical vapors.

Signs and Symptoms of Bronchitis

Both symptoms of acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis, signs and symptoms may include:
  • Cough.
  • Production of mucus (sputum), which can be clear, white, gray or yellowish green.
  • Fatigue.
  • Slight fever and chills.
  • Discomfort in the chest.

Reference :
  • (Ngastiyah; 1997; P 36, 37).
  • (Purnawan Junadi; 1982; 206).

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