
Monday, September 16, 2013

Stages of The Process of Hallucinations

Changes in sensory perception: hallucinations influenced by multifactorial, both external and internal, including: inadequate individual coping, individuals who isolate themselves from the environment, there is trauma which causes low self-esteem, ineffective family coping, and chronic problems are not resolved.

Perception is the identification and interpretation of the stimulus based on information received through the five senses, namely sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste (Stuart & Laraia, 2001) Meanwhile, according Varcarolis (2006) disruption of sensory perception is a perception that there is no stimulus. Perception is the basis of how one feels his experience, every person has a different perception of the same experience.

Hallucinations and illusions is a sensory perception changes that occur in response to maladaptive neurobiology. Hallucinations are defined as disorders that may give rise to the perception of schizophrenia, psychosis, organic brain syndrome, epilepsy, nerosa histrionic, atropine intoxication or amethyst and hallucinogenic substances. Hallucinations are perceptions of the client's environment without a real stimulus, meaning that individuals interpret the real thing without any external stimulus.

Hallucinations consist of 4 stages:

The first is the stage where the client was happy and hallucinations provide a sense of comfort, the client is still in the moderate anxiety, the characteristics of this stage the client is experiencing anxiety, loneliness, guilt and fear is a behavior that is often seen among clients smiling and laughing to himself, moving his lips noiselessly, rapid eye movements, verbal responses were slow, silent and concentrate.

Second. Hallucinations be faulted, the client will be at the level of severe anxiety, and cause resentment. This stage is characterized by sensory experiences and withdraw from others. Clients will exhibit behaviors: the concentration of sensory experience, narrowing attention span, increased heart rate, respiration and blood pressure, and can not distinguish between hallucination and reality.

Third. The client is in severe anxiety, hallucinations client control, and sensory experience can not be denied anymore characteristics. Clients give and receive sensory experience, content becomes active hallucinations, and loneliness ended when the sensory experience. Ditahap client's behavior; client will comply with hallucinations, difficulty relating to others about the attention that only a few seconds per minute and severe anxiety symptoms (sweating, tremor, was not able to follow commands).

Fourth. Hallucinations have mastered the client, and anxiety panic occurs. At this stage has the characteristics: experience sensory hallucinations threatening and may take several hours or days the behavior that emerges is a high risk of panic behavior suicide, murder, agitation, withdrawal, and not able to respond to commands, and more than one complex.

Hallucinations are also influenced by predisposing factors, the first is a biological factor which includes interference / obstacles frontal and temporal brain development; lesions in the frontal cortex, limbic, temporal, growth disorders in prenatal, neonatal and childhood. Psychological factors that helped influence is rejection and violence in the lives of clients. caregiver or friend that cold, anxious not sensitive, or even over-protective; conflict and violence in the family (parents quarrel, mayhem and domestic violence).

Another factor which is a predisposing factor is the state of social culture hallucinations such as poverty, disharmony, social culture (war, riots, insecurity) an isolated life with the stress that builds up. Stress precipitation hallucinations are biological factors involving brain function in regulating the amount of information that can be processed at a function that occurs dilobus waktu.Penurunan frontal process resulted in information overload and neurobiologik maladaptive response. Environmental stresses that have exceeded the threshold of an individual being a reality orientation precipitation occurrence.

The last precipitation factors that trigger the onset of hallucinations is the state of the environment (the difficulties of life / relate to other people, poverty), health (poor nutrition, lack of sleep, infection, central nervous system drugs, moderate to high anxiety), behavioral (low self-esteem , loss of self-confidence).

Maladaptive behaviors that arise include: changes in thought processes such as delusions or delusional disorder is a form of mind (any ideas / beliefs are wrong), a misperception though no stimulus but clients feel it, the inability to experience emotions, disorganized behavior is neurobiological responses that lead to disruption of key functions such as the central nervous system so that there is no coordination between the thoughts, feelings and behavior and the behavior of the latter is maladaptive social isolation inability client relationships, cooperation and interdependence with others.

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